Here, you will find some of the most watched and helpful videos of my breastfeeding support Youtube channel “Kindestmilk”

I believe it is beneficial to link these videos on my website as an additional service which I would like to offer to anyone who is navigating through a breastfeeding challenge.

However, these videos are for educational and informational purposes only and are not to be regarded as individual medical advice. If you are struggling with a breastfeeding problem which you are unable to manage on your own, do get in touch to book a lactation consultation.

If you are ever unsure about your own and/or your baby’s wellbeing you should consult your own healthcare provider without delay. Diagnoses and treatment should be delivered by your own healthcare provider who can carry out a thorough examination in person.

How to make enough milk
Koala breastfeeding hold
Newborn baby latching on
How to treat blocked ducts
Treating milk blisters/ blebs
How to use a silicone breast pump
What if baby doesn’t latch
Correct position and latch-on
Pumping Basics
Power pumping
How to care for baby while pumping
Expressing breast milk manually
Paced bottle feeding
Combination Feeding
How to wean off nipple shields?
How to apply a nipple shield?
Breastfeeding with inverted nipples
Which breast pump should I get?
How to burp your baby
How to shape your breast for latch-on
Prepare for success